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Hello & Welcome!

Lya Amie; an amateur writer

“I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of - Joss Whedon”

get to know me!
30s; What has Changed?

30s; What has Changed?

Hi. The year 2024 meant it's been almost two years since I turned 30. Sometimes I miss my teenage years when I don't have the worries like being in adulthood. I miss my 20s as I felt the energy and had no wrinkles or any deformities. Looking back, a lot has changed since; On Health and Energy The most obvious change I felt was the conditio…
Hi. The year 2024 meant it's been almost two years since I turned 30. Sometimes I miss my teenage years when I don't have the worries like being in adulthood. I miss my 20s as I felt the ener…
Squid Game 2

Squid Game 2

source Hi. It's just another day until we say goodbye to the year 2024, and I ended it with the series Squid Game 2. We had to wait a whole three years for the sequel to the first series. I rem…
Kahar: Kapla High Council

Kahar: Kapla High Council

source: IMDB Hi. I'm not fond of high school movies or dramas and I can't relate such movies to my current life as I'm no longer a minor who goes to school. But due to the viral of the se…
What I should Ignore To Keep Blogging

What I should Ignore To Keep Blogging

Hi. I miss blogging. Like, I miss actively blogging.  It's not because I don't have things to blog about anymore, but it's more that I'm living my busy life and have kept procrastinat…
I Love Living in My Comfort Zone

I Love Living in My Comfort Zone

Hi. I just watched Hitman on Netflix. It's a fun movie.  At the beginning of the movie, the characters, a teacher and his students, discuss the topic of comfort zones. As typical as it sounds, th…
My Second Time COVID-19

My Second Time COVID-19

Hi. A friend teased me about getting COVID-19 for the second time: "Nowadays people are positive about other things, yet you're still positive for COVID again, hahaha " I went outstat…
BALI - a Honeymoon Trip 2024

BALI - a Honeymoon Trip 2024

Hi. I had a few places I wanted to visit when I planned my honeymoon trip and Bali, Indonesia won my heart. I usually would plan the itinerary, accommodation and transportation myself, but for a hone…