Blogging Tips For Beginner

Blogging Tips For Beginner

I've encountered so many new bloggers lately, even some of my friends started their own blog. I personally love new bloggers as I know they are at the peak of their passion of writing, thus the start of their blog. So as a six years senior blogger of yours, I would like to share a few tips on blogging with you.

Don't wait to be better

I know there are people who want to start blogging but don't have the courage to do so as they think that their writing skill is still lacking. Well, even though I started blogging six years ago, I still think of myself as an amateur as I keep learning new things on blogging even to this day. In life, you'll never stop making mistakes, thus you'll never stop learning. So it's okay to start bad because through practices, you will improve.

Read and read

Prior to the first tip, reading is the most basic thing to do to improve your writing skills. I believe that most of us had the urge to start a blog because of certain bloggers we admired and these bloggers are good at writing. All you have to do is to hit the blog archive and read everything in there to get the inspiration to write. Other than blogs, reading novels or non fiction books would be a help too. Just get your lazy eyes onto those pages and start reading.

Write What You Love

When you write about things you enjoy writing, you would naturally write with passion which would help you making good contents. So it's okay to not have a blog niche because as long as you write about what you love, with passion, people will be attracted to read your blog.

Make Your Blog Known

Ain't nobody gonna magically stumbled upon your blog without your effort of making it known to others. The easiest thing to do to make your blog known is by blogwalking and leave your mark either in their Cbox or leave comments in their posts, or better yet, both. A nature of a blogger would visit your blog in return, trust me. Also, I know you have tons of social medias such as Facebook and Twitter so just share your blog link in there.

So that's my tips for you new bloggers, I hope these could help you in any ways.

Do you guys have any extra tips to share?

Till then,
February Sketch : Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
I'm Up For Surprises


  1. I love and agree all your tips Lya :) Especially Write What You Love <3 Siqah pun tiada blog niche, just post whatever I feel to post. Yang penting lahir dari hati tulus ikhlas. Chewah.. hehe.

    1. Just encouraging people who doesn't know what their blog's niche is, like me hiks. Setuju sangat dgn siqah part 'yang penting lahir dari hati tulus ikhlas' hihi

  2. one more thing,dont write so many entry about your crush,love story or whatever...people will getting annoyed,I think passion is more to tell what you love that bring benefit to others who read your entries.Thats how I think...coz believe me one day you will look back at your old entries and you will!!! what the hell I wrote these past 5 years plus kau akan geli baca balik entri lama and malu bila pikir how people those day react to my entries.
    So,my advice for newbie.You responsible for what you write.Make the best one so you will not regret reading back your entries in future ;)

    1. Sorry for interrupting your section.. Well in my opinion, the readers would only pick the blog which they're interested to read, and yes, it would be yucky if you read back your past entries but that's what they called life journey... From then, they would realize how matured they had become... So for the start, they could just write whatever they want..^^

    2. 'You responsible for what you write' that is so true and yes, we should not write something without considering our readers' feeling/interest as you might as well write a diary instead or private your blog.

      But as I mentioned above, we don't have to wait to be better to start. Time will heal our immature-ness as we will improve as long as we don't give up. Like flavnesz said, when we looked back at our old posts which are yucky and all, we actually would be proud of how we've grown mature so I don't think it's necessary for newbie to try hard at making a post as mature as their idol bloggers because we know how hard it is to begin :)

      Plus, if the 'crush' or 'love story' posts were written in interesting manner, or maybe movie-like storyline, I'm sure there are people who love reading them, especially me ;)

  3. I agree with your tips Lya.. In fact, even I myself don't have any blog niche.. XD

  4. Agree with all your tips lya. Especially #1. I used to spend time so much thinking about good contain to uplod on my blog, but yet all it have to do to catch your reader heart it was just simplicity. a nice simple words in article can become handy, people do entertain, to read something light such as this. ^^

    thank you for making me love my blogging career all over again. haha.

    1. It was the feeling I had when I first started so I think new bloggers should know that they don't have to wait to start.
      It's my pleasure that this post make you feel that way ;)

  5. I agree on everything. You don't write because you're good at it. You write because you want to be good

    1. 'You write because you want to be good' is so well said rasya !

  6. Nice sharing! Thank you for the tips. They are really helpful for us, the newbies ;)

    1. you're welcome, I'm happy it helps you in any way ;)

  7. awsome post..thanks sharing..

  8. few years back, some of my friends use blogs to share short stories and parts of novels that they are writing. It was so nice just they are no longer do blogs now. So, maybe if they are talented in story writings, why not share bits here and there with the readers :D

    Love to read your post! Everything hit the points :)

    1. that is so true. I love reading whatever it is they're sharing as long as it's fun to read so I think it's okay to post whatever you want as long as you pour your passion in it.
      thank you for the kind words :)

  9. The "Write what you love" part kinda makes me feel motivated :)

  10. I've been blogging for the past 3 years and still need to put a lot of effort in building my blog. Just so you know, in the early of my blogging time I used to write and pour my heart out in each entries that I wrote. Just describe my real feelings and being funny as I can be. And it leads to positivity of my blog growth as I attracted many of friends (and people) to read my blog. But recently am more careful to whatever I write because I only want people to get something from reading my blog. Idk if this is a good idea or not but ... I'm asking for your opinion do I need to change to my early ways of writing blog? Or just stay as I'm now and be that kind "professional blogger"?

    1. it really is up to you actually but in my opinion, to be a 'professional blogger' doesn't mean you cannot be funny in your posts. the contents of your blog determine your professionalism, not the way you convey your contents. I myself prefer to read posts where you interact with your readers rather than the newspaper-like language :)

  11. nice post. awesome. walaupun dah 6 tahun blogging tapi still rasa mcm newbie lagi hikss

  12. Aaaah, this article truly reminds me of my early years of blogging (somehow, it made me feel old now. BHAHA). I start writing a blog with no idea at all, I just write what I had in my mind - obviously, all is crap!

    While browsing the Internet, I stumbled upon few articles sharing some tips on blogging (which I found most of the articles are pretty useful). Used those as my guideline. Its been almost 6 years, I still think that it is still worth to keep.

    To newbies, please pin this article as your guideline!

    Best regards,

    1. I know right! But all the crap was worth it actually, as it showed us how mature we've become over time so I never regret writing those craps haha.

      I agree on your way to search blogging tips to grow your blog as we'll never learn if we don't have the effort to. Plus, dunia di hujung jari sekarang. Just type what you want, and all the information is ready in front of you.

      Thank you for recommending them to pin this article!

  13. I love all your thoughts. I am a writer without a fixed niche, I write what I feel. Thus readers is free to not return back again if they hate what I write, and I will continue to write whatever I love. Hehehehe.

    1. I totally agree! It's up to us to write what we love so it's up to them to keep follow our blog or not. I believe there are loyal readers who loves what we write so I'm grateful enough :)

  14. I am just in love with the point-write what your love. I do try to write things that might be benefits to others so that I could gain more traffics but I rarely reread those kind of writings. I always read back my entries because somehow it soothes me. Actually, ater some time of traffic driven posts, I'd be itching to write something from my heart. Even if it is just some stupid rambling, I would still feel so contented.

    1. I agree. We shouldn't try hard at pleasing other people especially if we write as a hobby and not as a job.

  15. Love the tips, thanks for sharing. Definitely rooting for the first tips mentioned - start now wherever you are and don't have to wait to feel ready to really do it.

    1. Yeah, everyone has to start somewhere. Thanks for loving this post ;)

  16. Nice sharing.. Just write what you love. Write or share something that will give benefit to anyone who read :D

    1. Yep, write whatever we want to, and ignore others ;)
