When There Was No WiFi

The last seven days was a torture as my WiFi connection went lost. We had miscommunication with UniFi on the bill as we didn't receive any visual of it so it was overdue more than RM300. Ain't nobody got the money to pay right away so my mom had to wait for her payday which led me to seven days of going offline from the internet.

Though I didn't have WiFi, it's a relieve that I have few draft posts in my blog so I just had to open my blog on my phone and click the publish button so my blog won't go a week without a new post. But, it was stressful as I didn't get to do blogwalking, playing online games and updating my K-drama episodes. So these are what I did for the week.

Went Out 
Having no WiFi made me finally came out of my bedroom and seeing the world. I went window shopping and spent some evenings enjoying the sea breeze at Lumut. Didn't realize that there's a lot to see rather than staring on my laptop screen, tsk.

I have an exercise bike at home and finally rode it after almost a month just staring at it. But my butt hurt as hell as the seat is hard and small, may be a sign for me to start going out and jogging instead.

exercise bike
look how small the seat is!

Update Portfolio
I'm planning on applying for a new job and master study so I have to update my portfolio but I never got the chance to do it (read : too lazy and too focus on the internet). Since WiFi was gone, my portfolio finally showing progress and I think I could finish it by next few days, yeay!

kpj specialist hospital
not a perfect rendering but whatever

Read Books
I seriously am not that rajin to read books as I love reading blogs more. So the past week I got the chance to grab and read some of the books untouched in my bookshelf when there was no WiFi (finally started reading the fourth book of The Maze Runner series, The Kill Order).

Organized Things
My bedroom was a resemblance to a jungle, the closet and bookshelf was messy. My dad told me to organize my bedroom hundred times a day but I ignored it as the internet took my attention. Finally did it while nothing distracted me.

I never realized how productive my days would've been if I didn't be on my laptop for 24hours a day. I really should spend some time off the internet. Soz.

What you do when you have no WiFi?

Till then,
My Simple Everyday Makeup Routine
15 Blogging Facts About Me


  1. Love to read English blog by nonnative speakers... Nice post tho :)

    1. Agree to this as I am a non-native speaker as well. So, I really appreciate simple sentences that are easy to understand like here :)

      Anyway, hello author <3

  2. Pernah jugak jadi macam ni. Line internet xde. CR gunakan masa tu untuk kemas barang2 jahit yang bersepah dalam kotak. Hehe

    1. memang bila takde internet baru terpikir nak buat benda lain yang lebih penting kan haha

  3. bontot kau yang beso salahkan seat pulak. heh. Hahahahhahaa!

  4. ehh wehhh nanti nak tengok portfolio kau. Heee

  5. I do agree that we actually would be much more productive when we go off from the virtual life ._. Happened, experienced once. You have no idea how many readings I managed to do ~~ lol

    1. I know right! I did enjoy my time off the internet.

  6. I shud stop myself reading ur blog right now and get a life without internet. haha. okay, just one more last comment.

    1. yeah, try to take time off the internet, but don't go for long as I'll be missing your blog post then haha

  7. I seriously dont know what to do when there's no wifi. I probably will stay late in office and if i am home i will read and sleeping is not easy for me as i need entertainment and internet to watch videos before 😴

    XX Atheera | http://atheeradayana.com XX

    1. I was going insane for the first two days but somehow I manage to spend my time wisely. But still, I totally can't survive without the internet haha

  8. Eh sama, Mai pun cuba nasib di KPJ perlis tu. Kelakar la part seat kecil tu, hahaha. Kalau tiada wifi mai lebih suka lepak kat Wattpad, membaca buku online yg dah save siap2 ,haha.

    1. Oh yekee!
      Betul memang kecik seat nya, buat sakit bontot haha.
      Lya pernah baca Mai punya Wattpad! it's good!

    2. Really? Alaa segan pula rasa, hahaha beginner :P

      Thank you, happy rasa malam ni. Haha

    3. yeap serious. keep it up ;)

  9. You had a sea breeze and you didn't even go out for it? Seriously Lya?? OMG!!! I love sea breeze the most!

    1. I love it too but since it's only 15 minutes away and I've got used to it so yea, didn't go there for a while. haha.

  10. Yessss I can never live without the internet! However I do agree that sometimes we need to stay away from the internet to see wonderful things around us hahaha.

    1. it sure is or we'll never realize what wonderful things we actually have around us

  11. I have indoor bicycle too! And yeah, the sit is just too bloody small.

    I can't live without internet too but internet never stops me from doing productive things. Mainly because I'm the type of person who gets bored way too easily so I need to get myself away from the internet after awhile or I would ended up macam cacing kepanasan ahaha

    1. I know right! Maybe because ours are the cheaper one haha.

      That's cool. I seriously am not bored with internet so I used to just sit in front of my laptop if I don't have any other plan that day.

  12. bhahahahahahahah, you had me at using the bicycle. damn, it must be really boring. I can't imagine if such thing ever happen to me because it never has. We've been cut off by TM for the same reason but thank god we can still afford it. The bill always come after the due date for payment! But now they always call us to remind the due date so yay!

    1. You should try at least one day off the internet, let's see what you'll do for the day!

  13. Banyak kan benda boleh buat kalau tiada WiFi. Hihi.

    Siqah kalau takde internet, suka baca novel je. The Maze Runner best tak? Plan nak baca tapi macam malas so nak tunggu filem yang entah bila nak kuar :)

    I love sea breeze the most!! 😍

    P/s: sebenarnya, tak boleh gak hidup takde internet. Setakat takde 2 3 hari bolehlah. Hii.

    1. OMG Maze Runner best gila k, bacalah! Haha. Fav Lya takat ni memang Harry Potter and Maze Runner series.

      Love the sea breeze too, I mean, who doesn't kan!

      Memang seksa jugak sebenarnya sampai seminggu takde internet ni haih haha

  14. wow! seriously too much spending on the internet sampai macam tu sekali?

    1. so we should take our time off the internet sometimes lah XD

  15. for me, maybe start my bike, ride to gerik, or cameron... feel the road, taste the corner..

  16. I don't like the moment when there is no wifi but exams are around the corner. Hahaha. Usually, for that time, I spend most of my time at the library / cafe.

    Otherwise, I would prefer to go for a walk somewhere or outdoor activities


    1. Outdoor activities are the best when there's no wifi
