Break Your Limiting Belief

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As I mentioned in my previous post, I joined SL1M for a job placement in Kulim, Kedah. Honestly, before I actually join this programme, I thought the one-month training would be a boring lecture-like session on soft skills where I'll be dozing off in the first half an hour. Little did I know that it would be a training full of knowledge and fun where I'd feel like wasting my time for going to the toilet in the middle of the training.

I believe that by sharing our knowledge, we'll gain more so I would share with you all the things I've learned during the one-month SL1M programme training. The one topic I felt related to was 'Limiting Belief'. Limiting belief is something that you believe is your limit. For example, you studying accountancy but you don't think you can go for a professional level such as ACCA because you believe you WILL fail. You LIMIT yourself to only a degree because you think you CAN'T.

I can and I will
Honestly, before joining the programme I felt the same way, or maybe I still am, hehe, but I did boost my confident level a bit to think that I can and I will. Just dream big. It's not a sin and it doesn't cost money to dream, so why limit ourselves? You want to marry a prince, just dream that you WILL marry a prince. Who knows if he's not a prince, you'll marry a guy with handsome face and deep pocket like a prince instead. Gurl, you hit the jackpot, teehee.

SPM candidates, please believe that you CAN and you WILL achieve straight A's in SPM even if you're in the lowest class. If you think you can, you will work hard to make it true, that you can. Show them who think you can't, that they are 100% wrong because you can and you will.

Jot down your goal
Being an adult with success in mind means you should have a notebook with you. Jot down your goals, your bucket lists, your dreams and how you'll achieve them. Because without jotting them down, a dream will remain a dream that won't be achievable. Better yet, jot them down on an A4 paper, do it poster-like and paste them on the wall so you'll feel motivated every time you look at them.

We should stop believing that we can't without even try it yet. If we fail after we try, it won't hurt to try again. Even billionaire like JK Rowling failed to publish her books countless times but she didn't give up and finally, Harry Potter is now one of the most famous character in the world. Bear in mind that there is no failure, only feedback. If you failed, it only means that you got bad feedback that needs extra work to turn it into a better one.

The key is, don't limit yourself because whether you believe it or not, you actually don't know your limit. In a matter of fact, no one knows.

Hope my take on this post would help motivated you a bit. Cheer up, fellas!

Till then,
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  1. I love this motivation post..! Well, in that ACCA example, my honest advice would be dream big and have passion for it.. Nothing could go wrong with that.. hee.. :3

    1. Yeap nothing could go wrong with trying your best! Good to hear that you love it, I thought I've lost my touch on writing for being away for more than a week, hiks.

  2. Kat rumah nanti saya baca. Saya kat luar ni. Bateri hp dah keciput. Mana yg tak paham nanti saya tanya. Mungkin banyak nak tanya.

    1. amboi nebes bunyinya banyak benda nak tanya haha

  3. Whoaaaa I can feel the energy and postivity! hehehe true that If you believe yourselves you'll achieve great things in life. It's okay to dream BIG but if you want your DREAMS come true, put an effort and believe yourself (again).

    1. Glad that you felt what I want my readers to feel hihi. Totally agree on we should put an effort and believing that we can to achieve what we want :)

  4. i feel the same way. hehehe.. glad to achieve what we want in our life. nice words and advice lya. hehe..

    1. yeap we should strive to achieve what we want in life because that's what would make life worth living for :)

  5. Setuju dgn Lya. Kadang-kadang kita kena keluar dari zon selesa, dan redah semua limit untuk kenali kekuatan sebenar diri kita :)

    1. betul tu. sebenarnya kita tak sedar kekuatan diri sendiri sampai mana jadi tak perlu nak limitkan diri sendiri. kena all out in everything

  6. 'there is no failure, only feedback' I love this words. sky is the limit bak kata orang putih. maybe even beyond that, sapa tahu kan

    1. 'sky is the limit' suka la ayat ni hehe. yeap, nobody knows what their limit are :')

  7. a really good post! thanks <3
    i love to jot down my dream/goals/wishlist/bucket list on my notebooks and some i paste it on my wall, looking it everyday may turn it into a pray and maybe it will be achieve soon. :)

    1. glad to know that you like the post :)
      a good habit to write down your bucket lists and all because it will motivated you even more rather than just dreaming about it. hanya atas angin, bak kata orang Melayu hihi

  8. I dont write my goals because i dont know what to jot. My goals are on the football field. (Gurau u) Its good also to jot but must review them, our goals, the goals that matter in the end.

    1. yeah we should keep track on what we jotted down so we'll know what to do to achieve them

  9. I do stick my goals on my study table. And I'm agree with your first point, I can and I will. Sometimes, I also feel like I want to quit (especially when doing my assignments/final project) but then I look back at my goal(s) stick on my table (and my parents photo) I feel motivated. It feels like, "I have to do this, no matter what just don't give up. The most important thing I have to finish this and graduate on time". My favorite 'don't give up' kind of quote: Don't tell me sky is the limit when there's footprints on the moon. And thank you for this amazing post :)

    1. Everyone would have that feeling of giving up every time we have assignments or submission due, right! Haha. Yeap, by looking at our goals that was jotted down and our parents' photo we'll feel motivated again. Good job at jotting down yours! Your favourite quote is so nice btw! And I'm glad that you liked this post, you made me feel motivated to do one again :)

  10. Kadang2 rasa diri tak mampu tapi sebenarnya boleh jika kita berusaha sedaya upaya untuk dapatkannya kan. Insyallah.

    Siqah suka jot down tempat nak travel. Walaupun tahu benda tu susah nak dapat tapi manalah tahu if ada rezeki, senang sikit kerja.

    Orang kata tak elok bagitahu goal kita pada khalayak umum. Katanya elok simpan sendiri. Tapi kalau siqah, ada part suka juga bagitahu (on blog, of course). Mana tahu lagi ramai orang mendoakan. Hihi.

    1. Betul tu Siqah, tulis je walaupun tak pasti benda tu boleh dapat ke tak and yeap, tak salah pon nk bagitau di khalayak umum, nanti mereka boleh ingatkan, contohnya "kata nak kurus, gemuk lagi aku tengok ni?" Hahahahaha
