The Strangers That Would Be My Lifetime Friends

I'm always fascinated at how a stranger could turn into a friend in a blink of an eye. How the first polite conversation of "hi, nice to meet you," could turn to "give my phone back, you b*tch" and of course, everything started with a simple "hi", an approach made by that someone, welcoming you to be friends.

To some people, like me, friends are the people who are a lot closer and know me more than my family does. They know more about what I like and what I don't rather than my family because I lived more than half of my life with them. I'm not saying that I cherished my friends more than my family but they do have a special place in my heart.

New friends would be a positive addition in our life as the quote 'new friends, new life' enhanced. The differences we have such as our hometown and education background made us get to learn from each other and view life from each other's perspective which I find is the most interesting part of having new friends.

But here's a confession. I am not good at making new friends. At all. A typical introvert me, I would never make the first step to approach someone like, "Hi, I'm Lya. You?" Sorry but nope, that never happened before and might as well says that it will never happen at all.

I think that might be the reason why I don't have thousands of friends like everyone else. But I do have few friends who are very close to me and I thank them for approaching me first or else, I'll never get to know them.

Anyway, this post is made dedicated to these six new friends of mine, amazing people I just met for 3 weeks but felt like we've been friends for 3 years already. I first met them during SL1M programme, the graduate's employment programme I joined as I mentioned in my older posts before.

I didn't expect that I'll be making friends in this programme because actually, I felt it wouldn't be worth it to have new friends during the 3 weeks training. So thank you guys for approaching me, for being a very good friend though we just knew each other less than a month and for making me realised that new friends worth just as much as longtime friends are.

*from left: me, Anis, Alia, Syam, Zul, Faruq and Jiha

It's been so long that I had new friends so soz not soz for an emotional post tonight, teehee.

How about you guys? When did you meet you latest new friends?

Till then,
2 Days 1 Night in Hat Yai, Thailand
Online Shopping With


  1. That feeling when someone approached you and offer a friendship, bahagia gila kan... As for me, it happened like every new semester, bila kena tukar kelas and some new faces in there.. haha

    1. It's cool to meet new people every new semester. I didn't get that during my study days as the people in the batch stays the same every semester.

  2. Oh gosh. Im not really that girl who approaches first too. :D and my new latest friend maybe new faces on my company department. :D

    1. Right! I'm not the kind of person who will approach first, I'm too shy >.<

  3. How magic just in three weeks the strangers can be your lifetime friends right? Someone that we never expect we would talk with them. It's beautiful actually. The magic of friendship. :)

    1. Yeap it's like a miracle that someone actually wants to be friends with me, lol. But every unexpected things happen for the best reason :)

  4. Latest new friends? Hmmm... (tutup muka dalam selimut).
    tak adalah, tapi new blogger friends mmg ramai.

    1. Lya pon makin ramai blogger friends :)

  5. My latest new friends I made recently are the ones at my current workplace! Hehehe. I'm that kind of person who easily cope with people around me so maybe that's not a problem. Unless, if I find out that I don't like that certain people, i won't approach them. I can be a total introvert if I'm not comfortable with them.

    1. It's nice that you're able to approach people that easy. You must be a friendly type kan? Hihi. Yeap, if we don't like that person, we won't even bother to try to approach them!

    2. i'm not that easy.. it's very hard for me to approach new people unless during traveling, because who knows, that new friend u meet during travel will be your travel buddy all day long..

  6. huuuu tung ah ada kawan baru. hiks.

  7. eh jap. asal yang depan tu macam familiar je eh muka diaa?

    1. yeke. nama dia jiha jugak, dok ipoh

  8. My latest new friends would be you :) All my blogger friends :)

    1. Awww I'm touched by this. Thank you for being a friend, though just virtually, hope we could meet up someday :)
