A Piece Of Me

Okay, the title of this post sounds quite dramatic which I didn't expect it to be but whatever. Anyway, hello blogosphere, I've missed blogging so much and I hope you missed me too. As cliche as it could be, I just had that blogging slump due to work overload and social life took over most of my time. Other than those busy schedule, having a lot of sleeping time was something I couldn't avoid to occupy myself with teehee, and of course, having no Wi-Fi at my rented house was the main reason I was on hiatus.

However, my itching fingers couldn't wait any longer and that was what brought me here. I have so much to tell you, even my draft is full of unfinished post but today's post will be just me, updating my life and sharing the lucky days I had for the past weeks of my blogging hiatus.

Over the months I never give up in applying for a job position in government sector but I never had the chance to even get an interview. Finally, on 7th June, I got a call asking me to attend an interview for the position of an architect at Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh (MBI) the very next day! Though I wasn't ready at all, I went to the interview nonetheless.

I also got a love call for an interview at Majlis Perbandaran Manjung (MPM) for the same position as I was offered at MBI. Unfortunately, I got an interview for Master of Architecture at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) the very same day with MPM's. After so much contemplation, I decided to go for USM's. I will post an entry about my experience attending both the interviews in hoping to help you, who would need it.

I did finish reading aA+bB from the list of books I'm yet to read but currently on procrastinating mode to read the rest of the books. Currently reading The Kill Order but since there was no Newt nor Minho, I gradually lost interest in the book. I am so not a bookworm.

Since Kdrama 'Goblin' was so good, the dramas I watched after 'Goblin' such as 'Strong Woman Do Bong Soon' didn't hype me up. But maan Park Hyungsik was sooo hot teehee. Currently, I'm so into Korean variety show '2 days 1 night' rather than 'Runningman' and I also love 'I can see your voice' season 4.
Oh and believe it or not I'm currently watching 'Hero Seorang Cinderella' and 'Andai Itu Takdir' due to my new friend, Mimi's influence. After a few episodes of both dramas, I guess Malay drama wasn't that bad at all and I do enjoy watching them (these two are the first ever Malay drama I watched).

I think it's not just me but most of us are into the song by Louis Fonsi ft Daddy Yankee 'Despacito'. I was addicted to the song too but it's disappointing to know that the lyric was sexual. So I didn't download the song as I would've done when I found the song I like.
And damn G-Dragon's new album was so dope I love all the songs especially the title song, Untitled 2014. Try to give it a listen on youtube (click).

Though it's long overdue, I still want to wish you guys Happy Ramadhan! For the remaining days, let us together devoted ourselves in searching for Laylatul Qadr and may our ibadah in this holy month be accepted by Him.

Till then,
Happy Eid!
My Actual Goal In Life


  1. Despacito song also keep on repeating on my mind and lip. haha

  2. Reading an awful book do not meant you are not a bookworm. U'll gradually be one. Everyone is. Hahaha. (ayat pujuk) - but yeah the kill order does not bring the hype. :3

    I also love I can See Your Voice but did not know what the air time on tv. usually i'll go to online sites to watch it. for malay drama I think I'm stuck with Seharum Mawar cause my mum usually update the plot story to me every sahur and break fast time. Bahaha.

    I'm on your side too about despacito. huhu. eww the lyric was all... hurm.. but it was so catchy and its hard to not thinking about it mentally. I hope the hype wears off fast.

    1. I watch k-drama and k-variety on online sites too since I couldn't keep up with the exact air time on tv haha. I'll give Seharum Mawar a try then ;)

      I totally can relate about despacito. Hope the song would stop being played on radio very soon. haha

  3. and now its happy eid already..

    salam aidilfitri..

  4. I love despacito but I've never try to understand it properly.. hehe.. Anyways, Salam Mubarak to you..! xD

    1. It's better if you don't try to understand it or you'll go 'euwww' to the lyrics. haha. Happy Eid Anis!

  5. Saya komen dalam bm je. Boleh kan?

    Happy hari raya.
