Along With The Gods : The Two Worlds

along with the gods

Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds is an adaptation of a webtoon of the same name and it will be released in two parts, with the second part, Along With The Gods: The Last 49 Days will be released in summer 2018.

I was waiting for this movie since I first heard of it to be filming. Cha Tae Hyun and Ju Ji Hoon as one of the leads was the main reason I wanted to watch the movie so bad. I never had the intention to watch it at the cinema at first but since the movie became a really big hit both locally and internationally, I finally went to watch it at GSC Ipoh Parade last week. Plus, a fantasy movie is always worth it to watch at the cinema.

The Plot - a good man always has his bad side.
The movie is about a firefighter named Kim Ja Hong who heroically died while on duty was taken by three grim reapers, his guardians, to the afterlife and became a candidate for reincarnation. He had to go through all 7 trials in the 7 gates of hell before he's passed to be reincarnated. The three guardians were his defenders while he went through the trials. Things got rough when his brother died and became a vengeful soul which unintentionally distracted his trials.

While he went through the 7 trials, his crimes were revealed one by one which was quite shocking to me as I thought the character would be portrayed only to have the good side. It somehow made me realized that no one is perfect no matter how noble he is. I love how the movie started so light with funny scenes, nerve-wracking in the middle while a plot twist and tearjerker moment during the climax. The overall plot was remarkably extraordinary.

The Cast - A-list actors was worth it
The movie boasted star-studded casts, Cha Tae Hyun as the firefighter Kim Ja Hong, the three guardians played by Ha Jung Woo as Gang Rim, Ju Ji Hoon as Haewonmak and Kim Hyang Gi as Lee Duk Chun. I especially love the character of Haewonmak who was a handsome and airheaded one among the guardians. The supporting actors such as Lee Jung Jae as King Yeomra, Kim Dong Wook as Kim Soo Hong and Do Kyung Soo as Wong Dong Yeon also were very great at portraying their characters. I think the success of the movie was greatly influenced by its casts.

The CGI - the level that of Hollywood
I know Korean is good with CGI and could produce realistic scenes such as in the K-drama Goblin but the one in this movie exceeded my expectation. The visuals were so surreal and didn't show any glitch at all. I especially loved the scene during Kim Ja Hong's trial in the hell of indolence as it was scenic.

Now that I've watched the first part of the series and it was amazing, I can't wait for the second part. I didn't read the webtoon but I could guess that the character Kim Ja Hong would no longer be in the second part and that disappoints me but I'll watch it nonetheless. Anyway if you love fantasy genre movies, Along With The Gods must be on your must-watch list, I guarantee that it won't let you down.

My rating: 9/10

Till then,
That Was Fast!
Cameron Highlands At Midnight


  1. I love the movie as well, that was nice plot movie to watch at :)

    1. I know right! It's unique and the visual was satisfying

  2. I need to watch this movie!

    1. Yes, you must! It's totally worth it

  3. banyak baca review best pasal movie nie, haritu rasa nak tengok kat cinema, tapi dah habis tayangan T^T

    1. Takpe, download online je lepas ni, yang penting kena tengok!

  4. baru tahu second part takde ja-hong but that's okay sebab content yang penting. I guess second part nak cerita lagi detail tentang 3 penjaga tu

    1. I think so too. Sebab macam nak focus on the captain of the grim reapers. Sedih sebenarnya kalau takde Ja Hong T___T

  5. Ramai yg cakap cerita ni best. Tak sabar pulak nak tengok.

  6. dah download.. tunggu masa je nk tengok..
