Why I Don't Easily Approve Followers Request For My Twitter

I first joined Twitter in 2010, just to follow the norm and as the typical budak-baru-nak-up kid at that time, I tweeted every single day about every single thing I do and every single thing I felt. I also set my Twitter public so that everyone could easily follow me and I'll gain more and more followers. It's like your Twitter was better off having more followers. So lame. 

In addition to having nonsense contents on my Twitter, I cursed a lot. Really a lot of cursing. It's like I could die if I didn't put a curse word in my tweet. I also cursed everyone I dislike on Twitter, publicly even when that person was following me. This, I myself was confused. Why did I dumbly curse someone who followed me, like I purposely wanted him/her to know that I cursed him/her? Then why didn't I just cursed on his/her face instead? 

My relationship with a few friends went bad because of my tweets, I even ended some friendships I had (we are in good terms now, don't worry). I guess, not regretting with what happened with my friends, or ex-friends at that time, I also did something terrible. Remember this post(click)? Welp, that past I talked about got something to do with what I tweeted.

Only then I realized how immature, irresponsible I was on Twitter and how dangerous Twitter is if you take tweeting lightly by not care how heavy your words could affect others or worse, you yourself. I changed, or at least I'm still trying, to think rationally and read my tweet multiple times before I hit the tweet button, to be careful and be kind of my words, to be less tweeting. 

Despite everything happened, I didn't deactivate my Twitter account, I just don't want to, tehee. But since then I set a new motive of having a Twitter account, purely to know about current news, to get motivated by positive tweets or to know some tips by thread tweets and a bit, of course, for my own entertainment. That's why I decided to make my Twitter account private and I ended up removing some followers, especially the ones who were complete strangers.

So with new people coming into my life and these people, especially the ones who discovered my Twitter ID requested to be my followers but I rejected you anyway, I want to sincerely apologize. It's just that I won't ever be ready to open up to you as we're not that close. I'm afraid of your changing perception of me once you know more about me. That's how different I am on Twitter, I guess, and that's why I don't put my Twitter ID on any of my social media accounts.

And to you guys who had the same Twitter episode as me, it's better to deactivate your account if you couldn't handle the heaviness of your words but if you couldn't live without it like me, let's strive to be better at choosing what to tweet. Please pray for me, pray for us.

Positive vibes only,
A Recap On Life
Eid 2019


  1. Twitter used to be my safe space, similar to blog but way discrete lol. I post dumb things on my Twitter account too! I would usually freak out when a person trying to follow my private twitter account because I feel like they are intruding! Heh!

    1. Totally can relate! That's why I don't easily approve strangers for my Twitter ;)

  2. This is a great post! For me, I've always been very careful with what I tweet/quote tweet because mine is a public account. Hahaha So like it or not, I try not to spread hate-related tweets in case they're so generalised that my unintended readers would feel offended. I've once been the receiving end of that before and it felt horrible. I don't wish to do the same to someone else. I learned that its always better to let out some steam by talking to a close friend or keep it a journal to unleash all that rage/disappointment/frustrations. It works wonders and I don't feel so toxic towards others. This is an enlightening post, thank you!

    1. I wasn't careful of my words when my account was public so I learned the hard way :'(

  3. I don't approve people easily as well on Twitter. I do however have some of bloggers on my followers list just because I approved them years ago.

    1. Right! I don't have blogger friends on my Twitter since no one requested so it'll be stay that way then since I don't plan on approving strangers from now on ;)

  4. my twitter account is public, because of that i tend to filter and very careful with every words to tweet. for now, i really spends more time on twitter than the others social media because of how fast the current news spread and fangirling. :)

    lets spread positive vibes!

    1. Yep, I think Twitter is the most fun soc med, we get info the fastest from Twitter and we have entertainments too.

  5. I realised how toxic a twitter could be and I decided to not post or retweet anything at all... XD

    1. That's so cool of you for can resist the urge to tweet/retweet hihi

  6. Thinking that nowadays everything seems to be very easy to get viral only through a random tweet which is very scary. I try my best to minimize personal tweets since my twitter account is public. I rather retweet than tweeting :)

    Fatina Mudz || Amazing Distance

    1. Yep, everything could easily go viral nowadays so we should be careful of what we expose on our social media ;)

  7. My twitter are full with my rants, what happened in my life, some things i wanted to say to someone but i couldn't, it just like my diary. set my twitter to private bcs i think that is the only platform i can be true to myself.

    1. "the only platform i can be true to myself" totally the same! That's why I don't approve any strangers now tehee
