Life Has Been Exhausting!

Life Has Been Exhausting!

As you guys might know already, I've started my Masters Study in early February. I've never been so exhausted and missed my hometown terribly before and I felt that during this time. I spent my weekdays working, my usual routine, and went to KL every Friday for my weekend class, then returned home in Ipoh on Sunday every week without fail.

I was exhausted, mentally and physically. But as I've missed studying, I found that I love this busy life I'm having. I got little to no rest as I needed to do assignments on weekdays, after working hours, but I enjoyed getting tired, I'm still excited about studying, for now. 

I was preparing for my crit session for upcoming class last week and then the Restriction Movement Order (RMO) was announced. I must say I was 70% happy with the news as I was having trouble completing my works, tehee. Also, since it's the first time ever I'm having a two weeks holiday since the past 5 years, I'm thrilled and happy to start doing nothing at home!

When the Coronavirus was first discovered, honestly it didn't bother me as it happened in China. A few days later reports were out on Malaysia's first few cases, it still didn't bother me as I believed it was nothing, it would stop immediately, I didn't even talk about it with families or friends, that's how unimportant I thought the virus was.

Today is the 9th day since the RMO was started and it was announced yesterday that the RMO will be continued until 14th April. This staying at home thing now slowly no longer feels good. The news on the virus with now a total of 20 deaths reported has been daily news I keep wanting to update. It no longer feels unimportant and I started to worry about my families and friends well being. This started to exhaust me. But in this difficult time, I'm blessed that my family and I are being in good health and I hope you guys are too.

I'm sorry as it seems like this post is getting nowhere, it's just me worrying about the situation we're in. Let's pray and hope for the best.

Till then,
Sketch : A Lion & Weil Hotel, Ipoh
Tips for Hiring the Best Movers and Packers in Klang Valley


  1. i wanted to pursue my Masters but asyik delay sampai i have no mood anymore hehe.. all the best ookay in completing your Masters. may Allah ease..

    1. It's okay, it's never too late to dream a new dream so sambung Masters pun could be done anytime as long as you have the will!

  2. I had the same thought as yours when you said "it would stop immediately". But when it slowly reached Malaysia, and my team need to screen the patients suspected (after they return from China), it was overwhelming and it is still. T_T

    1. As the frontliner in fighting this pandemic, thank you Hanis, and stay safe!

  3. sama je kita masa memula kes pasal covid19. then, it reached malaysia. kitorang kat sarawak pun takut nak keluar memana sejak RMO. may ALLAH ease everything for us and get well soon MALAYSIA :)

    1. Yeap, masa mula-mula of the outbreak, thought it was nothing and now dah tahap ni. May Allah ease everything for us!

  4. Lovely post as always! I'm currently doing my masters, finishing my last semester this time and I can understand your struggle! We were 3-4 weeks in the semester before the RMO commenced last week and I wasn't sure how to feel about it. I was happy, just like you, to get the chance to stay at home and relax more, but I'm not sure how my studies will go with how the situation is turning out. But I'm just going to go with the flow and see where life takes me. I hope you're doing okay!

    1. Yea, been wondering bout my studies too. Thank you, I hope you're doing okay too!

  5. i feel you. just now some of us got the memo that we might need to take special leave just in case we couldn't proceed with our research. It's quite stressful actually.

    1. Yeah, I'm worrying about my studies more actually hahah

    2. Me too. We all are. This has been so hard since we're not really prepared for it. but may Allah ease everything for all of us. اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
