I Love Living in My Comfort Zone

I Love Living in My Comfort Zone


I just watched Hitman on Netflix. It's a fun movie. 
At the beginning of the movie, the characters, a teacher and his students, discuss the topic of comfort zones. As typical as it sounds, the teacher encourages his students to put themselves out there, take risks, and get out of their comfort zones, because life is short. Shortly after, it shows how the teacher's life is simple and plain, which is him living in his comfort zone - nothing like he encourages his students. He states that he loves that simple and plain life.

Reflecting on that scene made me remember one lady boss who questioned my choice to work in the government sector at a young age. In her opinion, it was a missed opportunity because the young generation should explore the challenging world instead and only settle for comfort when they're older or at retirement age like she did.

It made me reflect on my ordinary life, living in my comfort zone. I still remember the struggle every time I changed to a new job. I needed a period to adjust to the work environment, the people and the house I lived in. It was not easy for me as an introvert, especially when I was shifting to my current job - transitioning from a regular employee to a team leader, and then doing my part-time Masters study while working. It was hard. Now that I finished my Masters study and living a comfortable life for almost two years, I think I love this life. I love living in my comfort zone.

Some people love to explore challenges and adventures in life. But some people might be afraid, or not really afraid, but more to have a preference to live a quiet and simple life. Both life has their own pros and cons. It's true that if you go for a challenging and adventurous life, you might encounter a great life opportunity. But I think it's also not wrong to live on the safe side, and not take risks because living in your comfort zone was never a missed opportunity, but rather an opportunity to live with peace of mind.

Do you tend to get out of your comfort zone or prefer living in your comfort zone like me?

Till then,


  1. Yesss, I totally feel this! Not everyone's cut out for that nonstop hustle, and I love that you're embracing what works for YOU. A peaceful, comfortable life sounds pretty amazing to me too <3

    Lenne | www.lennezulkiflly.com

    1. I know right? It's okay and actually enjoyable to live a peaceful life

  2. There's absolutely nothing wrong with slow living! I am embracing my simple, mundane life. Best kot! x

    ereen | https://www.everydayereen.com

    1. Yeah kan! We love living with kepala tak serabut. Huhu

  3. kdang comfort zone ni sy anggap sebagai self reward. kita dah penat bekerja dan kita berhak untuk hidup dlm.keadaan yg selesa dan tenang. semua ji bgs utk kesihatan mental.kita juga

    1. Betul tu. Nice words that comfort zone actually a self reward ;)

  4. Kadang saya berfikir..sebetulnya yg di cari manusia dalam hidup itu apa sih... ketenangan batin...kenyamanan..atau kehidupan yg penuh tantangan ? Tapi memang ada plus minusnya ya...saya sendiri terbiasa dengan zona nyaman saya.

    1. Ya, setiap dari kita pasti ada kehendak masing-masing dalam melayari kehidupan. Setiap pilihan juga tidak salah, selagi ia memuaskan hati dan kehendak hidup kita.

  5. i can totally relate this, sebab saya adalah one of person yg masih living in my comfort zone. saya jadi takut utk keluar dri zon selesa sebab what if benda tu tak smooth as what we expected? tapi kadang2 saya selalu rasa diri saya loser. tgok kawan2 lain berlumba climbing the corporate ladder, bertukar-tukar kerja, gaji mantap, bersosial sana sini n banyak explore benda baru. benda tu buat saya rasa pressure sikit. harap saya ada keberanian utk keluar dri my comfort zone jugak, terutama dari segi career lah.

    1. Kalau ade keinginan untuk keluar dari comfort zone for better experience in life, boleh cuba usahakan. Bukan tujuan keluar dari comfort zone semata-mata sebab jealous dengan kehidupan orang lain. Tapi ya lah, kita sebagai manusia tak lari daripada perasaan nak compare diri dengan orang lain. Hope everything goes well for you in whatever decision you make :)

  6. Actually, there are a lot of people thought that being stuck in the same situation is not the same as comfort zone. For me, you are in your comfort zone. If there is no big turns in your day, it is comfort zone. For me, sekarang saya rasa saya dalam comfort zone saya. Tiada major turns in my life dan rasa selesa dgn hidup saya sekarang. Cuma kadang2 risau terlampau selesa dgn gaya hidup sekarang sampai takut nk move forward. Nanti jadi katak bawah tempurung pula ye XD

    Btw, Saya baru follow this blog. Follower number 643. Salam perkenalan :)

    1. Betul, sometimes it's a dilemma bila lama stay in our comfort zone. But it's up to oneself untuk have that turn in life. Thank you for following me ;)
