30s; What has Changed?

30s; What has Changed?


The year 2024 meant it's been almost two years since I turned 30. Sometimes I miss my teenage years when I don't have the worries like being in adulthood. I miss my 20s as I felt the energy and had no wrinkles or any deformities. Looking back, a lot has changed since;

On Health and Energy
The most obvious change I felt was the condition of my body. I used to be able to be awake for more than 24 hours a day, like trying to finish an assignment. But now, I couldn't work properly if I didn't get enough sleep the night before. My health also dropped significantly. I used to not have any health condition, even a slight cold for a year or two, even if I got drenched in the rain. But nowadays, even a drop of rain can give me a cold for the day. I also was admitted to the hospital for the first time in my life when I started my 30s. That was because of a headache which resulted in findings that I have Vertigo. I plan to take care of my diet and exercise to improve my health.

On Relationship
As funny as it sounds, my younger self doesn't believe in love. I even made a post about it and also on my Instagram. Back then, aside from wanting to tell people that I don't have to get married, it's actually me, trying to convince myself. That ended when I met my husband, who then was just a friend. I got married early in the year, I was 31 years old. The decision to get married happened so quickly - we can only plan, but Allah is the best of planners.

On Education and Career
Alhamdulillah, I finally finished my Masters Study and got a permanent position in my job, which things I never imagined could happen. I always had this thought that it would be much better and cool if I had done things earlier, during my 20s when my energy was at the top condition, but I guess I was just a typical young adult who was too lazy to step up the game in life during that phase. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” - Malala Yousafzai

On Family and Friends
Growing up made me realize that my parents are growing old. I try my hardest to spend time with my family more than ever, balancing the time for my family and my husband's. The same goes with my friends. It might not be the same anymore with me getting married, but I still spare time for my friends, not entirely for them but it's actually for myself, for the well-being of my mental health. I also find that I got the most excited when my friends got married too.

On Hobby
At one time, kept thinking about what I would love to do the most during my free time. My younger self would have all the lists, but current me couldn't think of anything. My busy working life made me lose my hobby. Well at least, I'm slowly getting consistent with my blog post update. Sometimes this is what keep me sane for the days. Please welcome my new blog title, Scriptura.

I hope being in my early 30s, and in future late 30s, I will still be healthy and can do whatever I want to, especially in helping others that's more unfortunate.

Are you in your 30s? What has changed?

Til then,



  1. 30 itu masih cukup muda, dulu saat masih seusia ini memang saya cukup aktif, badan senantiasa sehat,sekarang usia saya makin bertambah..jalan sedikit saja sudah capek banget...😩

    1. haha iya. sekarang saya baru masuk 30s terasa 30s itu tua. nanti masuk 40s akan terasa 30s itu masih muda

  2. Usia 30 sudah harus mulai mengatur pola makan katanya agar bisa menikmati hidup diusia 40 dst.
    Btw, salam kenal mba

    1. betul tu. di awal usia perlu dijaga untuk kesihatan di hari tua

  3. Thank you so much for dropping by my long forgotten blog. Your comment has lighten up that spark for me to start posting again. Thank you so so much. Happy New Year! May 2025 treats you well. In shaa Allah.

    1. You're welcome Ray.. Glad that you're back! Happy New Year and can't wait to hear from you ;)

  4. I think we're the same age. I totally agree with you on health and energy in 30s. Sekarang ni cepat penat dan senang sangat sikit :(

    1. Or maybe it's because after Covid vaccine we got tired easily. Most people are saying that. Hopefully we can manage our health in this age ;)

  5. Hello! Drop by to ngeteh with bihun goreng here~ XD

    I almost reach my 30s! Nothing much during current age, but hopefully for a better future and learn to be thankful for everything i have right now.

    1. That's the most important thing in life; hoping for a better future and being grateful for everything :)

  6. I'm not yet 30 but I totally relate to the shift in priorities and how health and energy seem to change! I love how you've embraced the ups and downs and made peace with where you are. Congrats on your blog and everything you've achieved so far! I'm sure the future is going to be amazing xx

    Lenne | www.lennezulkiflly.com

    1. Yeah, I did feel some changes during my late 20s too, not even my 30s yet. Hope for a better future ahead of us
